Blazar invests in Frederik IX Studios through Shark Tank

Feb 22, 2022

Blazar has finalized yet another investment in season 6 of the Danish version of Shark Tank. Despite interest from several eager investors, founder of Frederik IX Studios, Louise Mygind, chose to partner with Christian Arnstedt to become part of the Blazar family.

Frederik IX Studios is a Danish jewelry brand inspired by a fascination of the Danish King Frederik IX. Frederik IX had a classic style and was known as the King of the People. The King and his Swedish-born Queen, Ingrid, became symbols of visionary monarchs. They founded a community and created relationships between the royal universe and the Danish population. A mission that has built a bridge from past to present and contributed as a great inspiration to Frederik IX Studios.

Frederik IX Studios is inspired of King Frederik IX’s life and values. They have created a brand with a story – and wish to invite you to become a part of their universe.

The company’s performance will be followed by Blazar management. The company will further receive assistance from the central team to optimize current operations.

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