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Our Offices
If you are a member of the press, you can contact us at press@blazarcapital.com.
For job related inquiries, please contact us at careers@blazarcapital.com.
🇩🇰 Copenhagen
Øster Allé 48, Tower D, 4th Floor (Level 5), TV., 2100 Copenhagen
🇺🇸 Los Angeles
0250 Constellation Place Blvd, Los Angeles (C/O Chamberlain Coffee), CA 90067, United States

Øster Allé 48, Tower D, 4th Floor (Level 5), TV., 2100 Copenhagen
The Blazar HQ is situated in one of the towers of the National Stadium of Denmark (Parken Stadium) in Copenhagen. The central Blazar team is situated here together with some of the core companies in the portfolio.

Los Angeles
0250 Constellation Place Blvd, Los Angeles (C/O Chamberlain Coffee), CA 90067, United States
The office in Los Angeles is shared by the full Chamberlain Coffee team as well as a couple of on-the-ground Blazar representatives.